A group of young players came together in April 2002 to form this summer elite team. The word "TEAM" (Together everyone achieves more) was what this team was all about. As a coach you couldn't have asked for a better group of parents and players. It was a great four months of good hockey experiences and memories.
The team was very successful winning the championships of the following tournaments: Lakeshore Thunder Rising Stars: Lakeshore Thunder Classic; Ronald McDonald. Semi-finalist in the Lakeshore Thunder Summer Sizzler in the 91 division. The highlight of the four months was The Brick Invitational Tournament in Edmonton, Alberta. The team played the highest level of competition for its age group. Losing in the semi-final to Connecticut Yankees3-2.
I would like to thank Lilly and Ralph Lamacchia, Billy Milley, Sal Curtis, players, and parents for a very successful hockey season. Your efforts and support were greatly appreciated.